I spent a good chunk of my weekend cleaning out my children's play room. Three piles - one for donation, one for trash, and one for recycling. I do this on a pretty regular basis - I am a bit OCD about keeping that room organized. It is amazing how many match box cars, coloring books, and lenticular puzzles these two little boys have. And crayons. Oh the crayons.
At some point along the way we acquired a pretty cool replica of Air Force One. It's about eight inches long and pretty heavy. This clearly went into the "keep pile." What was placed in the trash pile was a small plastic plane with no doors or windows and a broken propeller. "This is Brock Omama's plane," Julian said as he flew the Air Force One through the air. "And this," he said as he held up the Wright Brothers' reject ,"is Mitt Romney's plane."
True story.